
About Cypress

The Tulane University High Performance Computing system, code named “Cypress,” is one of the fastest computers in the world. In November 2014, the TOP500 ranked Cypress as the 271st supercomputer site in the world. It is the 3rd fastest among private American universities and 10th fastest among across all American universities.

Cypress is located in the Tulane datacenter in Downtown New Orleans. It is composed of Dell state-of-the-art technology, using Intel Ivy Bridge CPU, Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor, and Lustre file system running on Dell storage with Intel Enterprise Edition for Lustre (IEEL) technology. The components of Cypress were carefully selected to provide consistent performance over a wide range of scientific applications. Cypress delivers a peak general capability of 369Teraflops and incorporates 11.84TB of fast main memory with 1.476 Petabyte of parallel-distributed file system Lustre high-performance storage, 480TB of which is dedicated to Hadoop with IEEL high performance storage for use by the Hadoop data analytics queue.

Node Type C8220X/E5-2680 v2 & Xeon Phi 7120P
# of Nodes 124
CPUs per node 2
Total E5 2680 v2 Cores 2,480
Total Xeon Phi cores 15,128
Tflops CPUs only (theoretical) 69.44
Tflops system peak w/ Phi (theoretical) 369
Memory per node 12 nodes: 256GB each - 25 nodes: 128GB each - 87 nodes: 64GB each
Total Memory 11.84TB
Storage 1.476PB expandable to 4PB

Getting an account

All accounts must be associated with a Tulane faculty member who is the Principal Investigator (PI) of his/her research group. Please have your PI contact us to establish a group on Cypress. (If some members of your group have Cypress accounts, your group is already established.) After your group is established, visit Tulane Service Now at:

to request an account. After logging in with your Tulane credentials, you'll see the "Tulane IT Portal" where you'll select "Request Something". From the categories in the left sidebar select "Cypress HPC", then "Cypress HPC Request" and fill out the form. (See also

Getting Started on Cypress

Follow the links below for information on obtaining an account, and instructions on using Cypress.

Working on a remote Unix/Linux system

Scripting on Cypress

How to run a Matlab code on Cypress

How to run R code on Cypress

How to run Python Cypress

Coding on Cypress


Other Topics

Version control

Compilation, debugging, and optimization

Math Libraries

Intel’s Xeon Phi Coprocessor

Data Visualization

Last modified 2 years ago Last modified on 03/02/23 15:35:50
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