
Version Control with Subversion (svn)

What is SVN?

  • A free/open-source version control system.
  • Managing files and directories over time, placed into a central repository.
  • The repository remembers every changes ever made to the files and directories.
  • Accessible across networks, allowing to be used on different computers.
  • Runs on Many platforms.

Home Page

Good things…

  • If you develop a software with some other people, it keeps track of who did what when and where changes.
    • even if you develop a software yourself…
  • When you made a stupid change and screwed up ….
    • Allows you to go back.
    • Revert to a previous revision of a file/directory.

First things to do

  • Create a repository in your home directory on Cypress
    [fuji@cypress2 ~]$ svnadmin create $HOME/repos

This creates a repository under '$HOME/repos'. Note that $HOME is your home-directory on Cypress.

Once you did this, you don't have to do this again. Do not delete '$HOME/repos' !!!

  • Testing your repository

On Cypress,

 mkdir mywork
 cd mywork
 mkdir project1
 echo "This is README.txt" > README.txt 
 svn import file:///$HOME/repos/project1 -m"initial import"

Now you have project1 in your repository.

Delete project1 then checkout project1 from the repository,

 cd ..
 rm -rf project1
 svn co file:///$HOME/repos/project1 ./project1

Working with SVN

  • To download files in a repository, use 'svn checkout' / 'svn co' command.
  • If you made some changes to the files in your local machine and want to upload these to the repository, use 'svn commit' command.
  • If you have files on your local machine and want to update these to the latest version in the repository, use 'svn update' command.
  • If you want to add a file/direcotry, use 'svn add' and commit.
  • If you want to delete a file/directory, use 'svn delete' and commit.

What to Control

  • Source Code
  • Documents
  • Variable data
  • Anything you want to share that isn't essentially static data.

Do not upload…. Large sets of binary files; images, movie, music….

Accessing your Repository over Network

To access your Repository on Cypress' through ssh from other hosts,

 svn co svn+ssh://''USERNAME''''HOME_DIRCTORY''/repos/project1 ./project1

You will be asked for typing your password on Cypress.

USERNAME and HOME_DIRCTORY are your login user name and home directory on Cypress.

To see the path of your home directory, on Cypress

 cat $HOME

Try using Your Repository

Check out data

Somewhere on Cypress,

 svn co file:///$HOME/repos/project1 ./project1

go into project1 directory.

 cd project1

look at files


Edit README.txt

Edit README.txt to add your message.

then commit it.

 svn commit -m"your message"

When you made a stupid change or delete a file by mistake

You can revert to a previous version.

To look at the log

 svn log

If you want to download version 1,

 svn -r 1 update

When you delete README.txt by mistake,

 rm '''README.txt'''

See the file you deleted does not exist.


Download the missing file,

 svn update

Add files

Make a new file, then add it to svn by



svn commit -m"your message"

Check status

To check the status

 svn stat

To see the difference between the repository and your working version

svn diff


To upload your working version to the repository,

 svn commit -m"comment for current version"

Look at the status and difference

 svn stat
 svn diff


 svn help
Last modified 10 years ago Last modified on 08/17/15 15:03:02

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