Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of cypress/using

04/13/15 13:20:27 (10 years ago)


  • cypress/using

    v13 v14  
    7373[[Image(Hi_output.png, 50%, center)]]
    75 There are two more commands we should familiarize ourselves with before we begin. The first is the “squeue” command. This shows us the list of jobs that have been submitted to SLURM that are either currently running or are in the queue waiting to run. The last is the “scancel” command. This allows us to terminate a job that is currently in the queue. So that we can see these commands in action, let’s extend our jobs run time by adding a sleep command to the end of our SLURM script.
     75There are two more commands we should familiarize ourselves with before we begin. The first is the “squeue” command. This shows us the list of jobs that have been submitted to SLURM that are either currently running or are in the queue waiting to run. The last is the “scancel” command. This allows us to terminate a job that is currently in the queue. To see these commands in action, let's simulate a one hour job by using the sleep command at the end of a new submission script.
     78#SBATCH --job-name=OneHourJob ### Job Name
     79#SBATCH --time=0-00:01:00     ### Wall clock time limit in Days-HH:MM:SS
     80#SBATCH --nodes=1             ### Node count required for the job
     81#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1   ### Nuber of tasks to be launched per Node
    77  [[Image(squeue_scancel.png, 55%, center)]]
     83sleep 3600
    79 Congratulations, you are now ready to start running jobs on Cypress.
     86Notice that we've omitted some of the script directives from our hello world submission script. We will still run on the normal QOS as that's the default on Cypress. However, when no output directives are given SLURM will redirect the output of our executable (including any error messages) to a file labeled with our jobs ID number. This number is assigned upon submission. Let's suppose that the above is stored in a file named oneHourJob.srun and we submit our job using the sbatch command. Then we can check on the progress of our job using squeue and we can cancel the job by executing scancel on the assigned job ID.