= Visualization Toolkit = [http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK/Tutorials] == anaconda python == To use anaconda python {{{#!bash $ module load anaconda }}} But the current version of anaconda doesn't have ''vtk'' package in default. To install vtk package in local, first you have to create local python clone. {{{#!bash [fuji@cypress2 VTK]$ conda create -n my_root --clone=/share/apps/anaconda/2.1.0 src_prefix: '/share/apps/anaconda/2.1.0' dst_prefix: '/home/fuji/envs/my_root' Packages: 140 Files: 0 Fetching package metadata: .. Linking packages ... [ COMPLETE ] |##############################################################################################################################################################################| 100% # # To activate this environment, use: # $ source activate my_root # # To deactivate this environment, use: # $ source deactivate # }}} Then do {{{#!bash $ source activate my_root }}} Now you can install vtk package, {{{#!bash $ conda install vtk }}} === From next time, to use anaconda python === {{{#!bash $ module load anaconda $ source activate my_root }}}