Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of cypress/VisIt

08/12/15 14:26:48 (9 years ago)


  • cypress/VisIt

    v3 v4  
    3131 * You must have same major version of VisIt on both local and remote computers.
    32  * Run "VisIt" on local machine and go to "Options" -> "Host profiles…" add "" like below:
    33 [[Image(Visit host set.png)]]
     32 * Run "VisIt" on local machine and go to "Options" -> "Host profiles…"
     33   * Click [New Host] and edit like below:
     34   * Set ''Host nickname'' as you like.   
     35   * ''Remote host name'' must be "" or "".
     36   * Set Path to visit installation.
     37     * Note that "/share/apps/visit/2.9.2" is where VisIt is installed on cypress. This may be changed in the future. Use "module avail" command to see which version is available on cypress.
     38     * The current version is 2.9.2 so you have to use visit 2.9.* on local machine.
     39   * Set ''Username''. This is your login ID for Cypress.
     40   * Check on ''Tunnel data connection through SSH''
     41   * Click [Apply].
     42[[Image(VisItCypress1.png, 50%)]]
    35  * Note that "/share/apps/visit/2.9.2" is where VisIt is installed on cypress. This may be changed in the future.
    36    * The version is 2.9.2 so you have to use visit 2.9.*.
    37    * After setup, do not forget to save : Go to "Options" -> "Save Settings".
    38  * One setup and saved, you don't have do this again.
    39  * To read data on cypress, "Open" and choose a Host, there must be "" on the list.
    40  * You may be asked typing password every time you read data.
     45===== Serial Rendering =====
     46This set up VisIt to render objects with one process.
     47 * Select on [Launch Profile] tab.
     48   * Click [New Profile] and select [Setting] tab. Give a name on ''Profile name''.
     49   * Select [Parallel] tab and check ''Launch parallel engine''.
     50   * Select [Launch] tab and set '''srun''' on ''Parallel launch method''.
     51   * Set Numbers of processors and nodes 1.
     52   * Click [Apply].
     53[[Image(VisItCypressSerial.png, 50%)]]
     54 * After setup, do not forget to save : Go to "Options" -> "Save Settings".
     55 * Once setup and saved, you don't have do this again.
     57===== Parallel Rendering =====
     58This set up VisIt to render objects with multiple processes on multiple nodes.
     59 * Select on [Launch Profile] tab.
     60   * Click [New Profile] and select [Setting] tab. Give a name on ''Profile name''.
     61   * Select [Parallel] tab and check ''Launch parallel engine''.
     62   * Select [Launch] tab and set '''sbatch/mpirun''' on ''Parallel launch method''.
     63   * Set Number of processors, this is the total processors.
     64   * Set Number of nodes.
     65      * The example below sets Number of processors is 20 and Number of nodes is 2. This will use 2 nodes and 20 processes in total; 10 processes for each node.
     66[[Image(VisItCypressParallel1.png, 50%)]]
     67 * Select [Advanced] tab.
     68    * Check ''Launcher arguments''. This is the parameters for SLURM queuing system.
     69        * In the example below, requesting 64G of RAM and 10 tasks (processes) per node.
     70    * Check ''Sublauncher pre-mpi command'' and set '''module load intel-psxe/2015-update1 visit'''. This is important to launch MPI tasks.
     71[[Image(VisItCypressParallel2.png, 50%)]]
     73 * After setup, do not forget to save : Go to "Options" -> "Save Settings".
     74 * Once setup and saved, you don't have do this again.
     76 * To read data on cypress, "Open" and choose a Host, there must be "cypress" on the list.
     77 * You may be asked typing password every time you read data if you haven't set up passwordless ssh login.