= OpenMP FORTRAN = == Hello World == {{{#!fortran !hello_omp.f90: display a message on the screen program helloworld use omp_lib ! integer::id, nthreads print *, "F90 Start" ! !$omp parallel private(id) id = omp_get_thread_num() print *,"hello from ", id !$omp barrier if (id == 0) then nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); print *,nthreads," threads said hello!" endif !$omp end parallel print *, "End" end program helloworld }}} == Compile with GNU Fortran == {{{gfortran hello_omp.f90 -fopemp}}} == Compile with PGI Fortran == {{{pgf90 hello_omp.f90 -mp}}} == Compile with Intel Fortran == {{{ifort hello_omp.f90 -openmp}}} == Examples of Jobscript == [[https://wiki.hpc.tulane.edu/trac/wiki/cypress/Programming/Cexamples#ExamplesofJobscript|See Example]]