Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of cypress/Globus

11/21/24 12:36:58 (3 months ago)


  • cypress/Globus

    v1 v1  
     1= Globus =
     2​[ Globus] is research cyberinfrastructure, developed and operated as a not-for-profit service by the University of Chicago. With Globus, you can easily, reliably and securely move, share, & discover data no matter where it lives – from a supercomputer, lab cluster, tape archive, public cloud or laptop. Access and manage all your data, even protected data, from anywhere, using your existing identities, with just a web browser.​
     4== Access Files on Cypress From Globus Web App ==
     5This is an instruction to access your files on Cypress with Globus Web App.
     7=== Initial Setup ===
     8First of all, you need a globus account. You can get access to globus with GitHub, Google, or ORCID iD, and you can also get access with Tulane credentials (see [ here]).
     10To setup on Cypress, see [GlobusConnctPersonalSetup this page].
     13== Managing Directory Permissions ==
     14With Globus, you will only be able to transfer files to and from directories that are set to be accessible. To configure which directories are accessible to Globus Connect Personal, edit the ~/.globusonline/lta/config-paths file and restart Globus Connect Personal.
     16This file is a headerless CSV with fields defined as follows.
     20<path>,<sharing flag>,<R/W flag>
     21<path>,<sharing flag>,<R/W flag>
     25* '''Path''' An absolute path to be permitted. Only paths which are present in the config file can be accessed. Tilde (~) can be used to represent the home directory of the user running Globus Connect Personal.
     27* '''Sharing Flag''' Enable or disable sharing. This field must be 1 or 0. 1 allows sharing for the path and 0 disallows sharing.
     29* '''R/W Flag''' Enable or disable write-access. This field must be 1 or 0. 1 allows read/write access and a 0 allows read-only access. The permissions set by this field are in addition to any other permissions and restrictions, e.g. file system permissions.
     31For example, the below allows read/write access to your home directory and the lustre filesystem (ex. /luster/project/mygroup/mydir) without sharing, and read-only access to /luster/project/mygroup/shareDir with sharing.
     40== Running Globus Connect Personal on Cypress ==
     41You have to use Centos7 computing node to run Glonus Connect Personal. The below is an example Slum script.
     46#SBATCH --partition=centos7
     47#SBATCH --qos=long
     48#SBATCH --job-name=Globus-connect
     49#SBATCH --time=7-00:00:00
     50#SBATCH --nodes=1
     51#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1
     52#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
     54module load globusconnectpersonal/3.2.5
     56globusconnect -start